Memorandum with the Beekeepers’ Alliance of Western Georgia and the Kolkhetian Vine & Wine Association

  • Posted by: d.ts

The Business Chamber of Asia and Gulf Countries have signed a memorandum with the Beekeepers’ Alliance of Western Georgia and the Kolkhetian Vine & Wine Association.
Under the document, the parties agreed to cooperate. BCAGC will assist partners in capturing Asia, a large market for wine and honey exports.

Georgian Beekeepers’ Alliance produces 700 tons of honey a year; In addition to meeting local demand, the association and its affiliated farmers want to expand production, which is why they decided to sign a memorandum with BCAGC.

Kolkhetian Vine & Wine Association wishes to appear on the Indian market to promote unique Georgian vine varieties and premium quality wines made with them. We should note that the BCAGC has close business ties in India; that’s why it provides support to the Kolkhetian Vine & Wine Association.

We want to inform you that complete information about the associations and the product offered will be presented at a business forum organized by BCAGC in Dubai. Representatives of the private sector of the United Arab Emirates – investors and owners of corporations, will attend the event; the diplomatic corps will also visit the occasion.

Author: d.ts

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