B2B meetings

B2B meetings

  • Posted by: Kati2022

The final part of the Tbilisi Silk Road Forum was devoted to B2B meetings between representatives of the business sector, the purpose of which was to expand business ties, share successful practices and outline aspects of future cooperation.

Within the framework of the B2B format, the First Vice President of Business Chamber of Asian & Gulf Countries, David Tsirdava together with representatives of the Business Chamber, held fruitful meetings with the President of ALRAHMAH GROUP, Ziyad A. Al Rahmah, Business Development Manager of ALRAHMAH GROUP Nasser Z. Al Rahmah, Regional Director of the World Bank for the South Caucasus – Rolande Pryce, Khalil M. Alaffra, Relation Manager of the Federation of Saudi Chambers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Danyal Khan, Project Advisor of Globalink Logistics LLC and etc.
The issues of development of bilateral relations in trade, tourism, information technology, transport, logistics, renewable energy and other fields were mentioned.
Within the framework of the business forum, a constructive dialogue was held with the President of ALRAHMAH GROUP, Ziyad A. Al Rahmah, and Business Development Manager of ALRAHMAH GROUP, Nasser Z Al. Rahmah on the issues of export-import and promotion of Georgian production. At the end of the conversation, the First Vice President of 𝐁𝐂𝐀𝐆𝐂 gifted them the miniature ,,The Knight in the Panther Skin”.
𝐁𝐂𝐀𝐆𝐂 is pleased with the fact that such an international level forum was held in Tbilisi, which brought together delegates from different countries and gave them the opportunity to assess global current events from the perspective of the business sector.
B2B meetings
Author: Kati2022