Official visit of BCAGC to Türkiye

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Official visit of BCAGC to Türkiye

  • Posted by: Kati2022
The first vice-president of 𝐁𝐂𝐀𝐆𝐂, David Tsirdava, is currently in Ankara, the capital of Türkiye, for a week-long working visit.
The official agenda of the visit began with a high-level meeting with the Ambassador of Bahrain to Türkiye, Bassem Ahmed Ali Marzooq. The meeting took the form of a combination of an introductory and business format.
First and foremost, the first vice president of the Business Chamber congratulated the newly appointed ambassador on the start of his diplomatic mission and wished him success in his future activities, which are crucial on the international stage.
Afterwards, David Tsirdava provided the ambassador with extensive information about the Business Chamber and its member companies. He introduced their products and discussed the potential for exporting them to Bahrain and the GCC countries in general.
The parties then continued the business dialogue by exploring the possibilities for a broad range of relations between Georgia and the Kingdom of Bahrain. They discussed specific business activities that would have a positive impact on the improvement of economic relations and the growth of trade dynamics between the two countries.
During the meeting, the ambassador proposed that the delegation of the Business Chamber visit Bahrain to meet with local B2B businessmen and the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The goal would be to exchange opinions on trade potential and how to utilize it.
Attention was also given to the need for deeper cultural relations, which would be a step towards bringing the two countries closer together. In this regard, there was a desire expressed for Georgian national ensembles to participate in the Bahrain International Cultural Festival, held every year in the spring season. The Chamber of Commerce believes that strong cultural relations are directly related to economic success and therefore, it will support Georgian ensembles in participating in the festival.
Additionally, the meeting highlighted the importance of the tourism industry. The Ambassador praised Georgia as an attractive tourist destination for citizens of Bahrain and emphasized the significance of leveraging the existing prospects between the Georgian and Bahraini tourism sectors for both sides.
We are pleased that BCAGC is successfully continuing its policy of strengthening relations with its partner countries.
Official visit of BCAGC to Türkiye
Author: Kati2022