Meetings in Saudi Arabia within the framework of the visit

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Meetings in Saudi Arabia within the framework of the visit

  • Posted by: Kati2022

Within the framework of the visit to Saudi Arabia, the First Vice-President of the Business Chamber of Asian & Gulf Countries, David Tsirdava, and the Vice-President in the direction of Gulf countries, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Sabah, held high-level official meetings with representatives of the government and business sectors.

A constructive and important dialogue was held with the Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia, Khalid Al Falih and his Deputy. During the conversation, their outstanding interest in Georgia was revealed, which is clearly expressed by their strong desire for mutual cooperation and their willingness to visit Georgia, with the motive of establishing a qualitatively new partnership between the countries. It should be noted that the positive attitude towards Georgia is related to the fruitful meetings held by the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Gharibashvili, with high-ranking officials of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in May, within the framework of his visit to Doha.
The delegation of the Business Chamber held another business format meeting with H.E. Abdel Moneim Mohamed Mahmoud Ismail, Secretary General, Arab Union for Export Development. The conversation touched upon the expansion of cooperation and the discovery of new opportunities. In order to continue the dialogue, they expressed their willingness to visit Georgia.
In order to strengthen the existing connection, negotiations were held with the representatives of the Chamber of Industry of Qatar and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Oman. The parties focused on all possible ways of strengthening business relations.
We are glad that the cycle of meetings was successful and real interest in cooperation was expressed. Within the framework of the two-day conference, the delegation of the Business Chamber  (BCAGC) continues to establish business relations with representatives of different business sectors.

Author: Kati2022