Meeting with Singapore's ambassador to Türkiye

Business Chamber of Asian & Gulf Countries BCAGC > News > News > Meeting with Singapore’s ambassador to Türkiye

Meeting with Singapore’s ambassador to Türkiye

  • Posted by: Kati2022
The BCAGC delegation continued its meeting with representatives of the diplomatic corps in Ankara by meeting with Singapore’s ambassador to Türkiye, Kok Lee Peng.
David Tsirdava, the first vice president of the Business Chamber, shared the vision of enhancing trade and economic relations between Georgia and Singapore with the ambassador. He emphasized the importance of joint efforts and gradual steps in bringing the business circles of both countries closer together and elevating partnership ties to a new level.
In return, the ambassador shared his views with our delegation and offered some business recommendations for establishing relations with government and business entities in Singapore.
We are delighted to have had such an interesting and informative meeting with the Ambassador of Singapore. This meeting further enhances the opportunity to expand the range of international business relations of our organization.
Author: Kati2022