Meeting with Kuwaiti media representatives

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Meeting with Kuwaiti media representatives

  • Posted by: Kati2022

The First Vice President of the Business Chamber of Asian and Gulf Countries, Mr. Davit Tsirdava, during his business visit to Kuwait, had a meeting with the Secretary of the Kuwait Electronic Media Union and the representatives of one of the famous electronic magazines of Kuwait, Alirada.

The purpose of the meeting was to establish contacts with partner media outlets in Kuwait and to discuss the details of further collaboration with them.

The negotiations were successfully accomplished and the parties agreed on close cooperation. In order to promote, popularize our country, and get to know the business environment, a highly rated Alirada electronic magazine, will devote a long duration of time and space to programs about Georgia and Kuwait.

Such access to the media is the best tool for intensifying business and trade relations between Georgia and Kuwait, for introducing and establishing new contacts, and for those interested in entrepreneurship to present their business, advertise, export, discover, and exploit a new market.

The Business Chamber of Asian and Gulf Countries considers that the agreement reached with such a high-level media outlet is a very important step for a better understanding of Kuwait, Georgia, and its investment environment.

Our goal is to expand the area of access to news media as much as possible. Therefore, our work in this direction will continue and will be relevant at all stages. We have a similar work plan to strengthen and strengthen relations between Bahrain and Qatar, Georgia and the Gulf countries, and identify new business channels.

Author: Kati2022

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