Challenges of production of Georgian agricultural products

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Challenges of production of Georgian agricultural products

  • Posted by: Kati2022
BCAGC has appointed a special representative in GCC countries

In the research ,,The current state of Georgian agricultural products in the GCC countries and their future potential” conducted by the Research Institute of International Trade and Investments (RIITI) with the financial backing of the Business Chamber of Asian & Gulf Countries factors hindering the production of Georgian agricultural products and important challenges were identified. These obstacles represent one of the main barriers to Georgia’s integration into the GCC market.

Within the agricultural policy of the Government of Georgia, several results-focused programs have been developed to bolster the agricultural sector and stimulate exports. In this regard, emphasis should be placed on the programs/projects initiated by “Enterprise Georgia” and the Rural Development Agency, which have provided significant government assistance to small and medium-sized business entities.
Governmental support is coupled with favorable climatic conditions, which enables the production of a variety of agricultural crops. However, despite these advantages, Georgian agricultural products still face challenges in competing in international markets. Low competitiveness is caused by circumstances such as: low yields and high fragmentation of land, lack of experience in exporting products, insufficient information about modern technologies for maintenance and cultivation of products, lack of capital, weak value chains for agricultural products, faulty drainage and irrigation systems, and limited access to quality raw materials.
The Business Chamber of Asian & Gulf Countries, as part of its operational concept, has decided to address the aforementioned issues and activate the issue from the private sector. Accordingly, extraordinary meetings of the Agricultural Committee will be scheduled. As a result of negotiations in this regard, we have achieved a significant collaboration with the Estonian “Visionest Institute.” Various educational programs, informational training sessions, and individual or group meetings with industry specialists are planned through intensive cooperation. These initiatives will provide Georgian entrepreneurs with excellent opportunities to acquire more information about requirements, standards, current trends, the competitive environment, valuable technical skills for production, and procedural aspects necessary for exporting in the international market.
Author: Kati2022