
Affiliate Member

(free of charge)

Services available to Affiliate Member:
  • Receive information about international members, their services and current offers;
  • access to updated information necessary for business;
  • Access to international studies and statistical data;
  • Providing information on legislative changes related to international trade, export-import and investment;
  • Access to the BCAGC journal;
  • Free consultation on issues related to international trade (export-import);
  • 24/7 support from Chamber’s Business Development Manager;
  • Free legal advice 24/7;
  • Consultation with the project manager to support the preparation of the grant application;
  • Discount on the products and/or services of Chamber members;
  • Possibility of using the office conference space;
  • Direct link to BCAGC activity-based fund;
  • Direct connection to the bank based on the activity of BCAGC;
  • Access to all local and international events organized by the Business Chamber;
  • Support in social media – Story on digital channels of the Chamber;

Privileged member

(annual membership)


If you are an established business looking for international support and growth opportunities, then our privileged membership format is for you. Join our community of peers and industry pioneers and experience the power of an international network.

A Privileged Member has access to both the Affiliate Member Services and the following additional services:
  • Send a message about your company and business activities to all members of the Chamber via of e-mail;
  • Post on all social channels of the Business Chamber:
  • Program of exclusive events;
  • Prepare a blog about the company’s activities once a year;
  • Opportunity to give a speach at small   events;

Status member

(annual membership)


Take your business to new heights with our status club membership! Strengthen your business through direct connection with international business collegiate members of Status Club. Introduce your company’s activities to the BCAGC international business panel with a personal blog and take advantage of the opportunity to give a speach at exclusive events organized by the business chamber!

Services available to the status member:

  • Receive information about international members, their services and current offers;
  • 24/7 support from Chamber’s Business Development Manager;
  • Consultation with the project manager and support in the preparation of the grant application;
  • Discount on Chamber services;
  • Discount on the products and/or services of Chamber members;
  • Access to updated information necessary for business;
  • Access to international studies and statistical data;
  • Providing information on legislative changes related to international trade, export-import and investment;
  • Access to the BCAGC journal;
  • Support in social media – Story on digital channels of the Chamber;
  • Possibility of using the office conference space;
  • Free consultation on issues related to international trade (export-import);
  • Direct link to BCAGC activity-based fund;
  • Direct connection to the bank based on the activity of BCAGC;
  • Access to all local and international events organized by the Business Chamber;
  • Send a message about your company and business activities to all members of the Chamber via e-mail;
  • Post on all social channels of the Business Chamber;
  • Program of exclusive events; preparing a blog about the company’s activities once a year;
  • Opportunity to give a speach at small events

Additional benefits for a status member:

  • Status invitation to all local and international business forums organized by the Business Chamber and the “International Trade and Economic Conference of Asia and Gulf Countries”,
  • Invitation to the gala dinners of the business forum;
  • Place marketing material about your business on the Business Chamber’s global and international business forums;
  • Annual personal article about your organization and your successful cooperation with the Business Chamber;
  • Place the company logo in the annual magazine of the Business Chamber

Platinum Member

(annual membership)


For a limited number of companies, Platinum membership status provides exclusive opportunities to connect with BCAGC’s most prestigious business entities and exclusive marketing services. Along with this, the opportunity to use the services of the international level research group of the independent research institute RIITI!

  • Receive information about international members, their services and current offers;
  • 24/7 support from Chamber’s Business Development Manager;
  • Free legal advice 24/7;
  • Consultation with the project manager and support in the preparation of the grant application;
  • Discount on Chamber services;
  • Discount on the products and/or services of Chamber members;
  • Access to updated information necessary for business;
  • Access to international studies and statistical data;
  • Providing information on legislative changes related to international trade, export-import and investment;
  • Access to the BCAGC journal;
  • Support in social media – Story on digital channels of the Chamber;
  • the possibility of using the office conference space;
  • Free consultation on issues related to international trade (export-import);
  • Direct link to BCAGC activity-based fund;
  • Direct connection to the bank based on the activity of BCAGC;
  • Access to all local and international events organized by the Business Chamber;
  • Send a message about your company and business activities to all members of the Chamber via e-mail;
  • Post on all social channels of the Business Chamber; program of exclusive events; preparing a blog about the company’s activities once a year;
  • Opportunity to give a speach at small events;
  • Invitation to the gala dinners of the business forum; Placing branded material about your business on the global and international business forums of the Business Chamber;

Annual personal article about your organization and your successful cooperation with the Business Chamber;

Additional benefits for a Platinum Member:

  • Monthly planned meeting with the Business Development Manager of the Business Chamber, discussion of existing and potential opportunities;
  • Platinum Invitation (minimum 2)
  • at the business forum of all local and international organizations organized by the Business Chamber and at the “International Trade and Economic Conference of Asia and Gulf Countries,”
  • Named place in the Platinum Lodge at all business forums and conferences;
  • allocation of an individual stand for your organization at all business forums;
  • the presentation of your organization or the speech of your organization’s representative at local and international business forums and conferences;
  • the right to participate in closed panel discussions organized by the International Expert Council of the Business Chamber;
  • 3 personal articles per year about your organization and your successful cooperation with the Business Chamber;
  • Initiate one research topic per year;
  • Giving a special place in the annual journal of the Business Chamber; In the countries where the Chamber is represented, coverage of the joint activities of the company and the Chamber on business-supporting media platforms of these countries;
  • promotion of participation in international events;
  • Using a digital banner in the center of the capital (Tbilisi) from a marketing point of view; Organization of high-level individual and group meetings for members with representatives of governmental, non-governmental and diplomatic structures;
  • Invitation to the business dinner/business brunch organized by the Chamber.